Cat only comes out at night

Cat only comes out at night

It’s a common observation that our feline friends tend to be more active at night. You may notice your cat zooming around the house, batting toys, or pestering you for playtime and affection after dark. This seemingly nocturnal behavior is actually a misconception about the natural rhythms of cats. Cats are technically crepuscular, meaning they … Read more

Cat making crunching noise with mouth

Cat making crunching noise with mouth

Cat crunching noises refer to the grinding or crunching sounds some cats make with their mouths. This abnormal behavior can be concerning for cat owners, as it may indicate an underlying health issue. There are a few common causes for cat crunching noises: Dental disease – Conditions like tooth resorption, gum disease, or oral tumors … Read more

Cat purring with mouth open

Cat purring with mouth open

Cat purring is a mysterious and intriguing behavior. Most cat owners are familiar with the soothing, rhythmic rumble of their feline companion’s purr during moments of contentment. However, there is still much we don’t understand about why and how cats purr. One particularly perplexing purring behavior is when a cat purrs with their mouth open. … Read more

My cat is ruining my life

My cat is ruining my life

Understanding the Complexity of Feline Behavior Cats are complex creatures with behaviors that often perplex and frustrate their human companions. While cats are independent, they still need proper care and attention to thrive. Understanding some key aspects of feline behavior can help cat owners build better relationships with their pets. Complex nature of feline behavior … Read more

My cat is driving me crazy

My cat is driving me crazy

It’s easy to get frustrated when our feline friends exhibit behaviors that seem chaotic or destructive. However, it’s important to remember that much of what cats do is simply in their nature. While behaviors like clawing furniture or knocking things off counters may be annoying to us, they serve an important purpose for cats. For … Read more

My cat keeps walking away from her kittens

My cat keeps walking away from her kittens

It can be concerning when a mother cat seems to walk away from her newborn kittens. As a caring cat owner, your mind may jump to worst-case scenarios – is she abandoning them? Are the kittens in danger? Try not to panic in this situation. It’s important to understand that occasional, brief departures from the … Read more

Why does my cat scratch himself till he bleeds?

Why does my cat scratch himself till he bleeds

It can be heartbreaking to see your furry feline friend constantly scratching themselves raw. Excessive scratching and licking can lead to bald patches, open wounds, and even dangerous infections. As a caring cat owner, you want to understand why this behavior is happening and how to help your cat stop injuring themselves. In this blog … Read more

Why does my cat suck on my shirt?

Why does my cat suck on my shirt

Many cat owners have experienced their feline friend developing an odd habit of sucking on shirts, blankets, or other soft fabrics. While this behavior may seem harmless, it can be a sign of an underlying issue that needs to be addressed. Understanding why cats engage in shirt-sucking and other unusual behaviors is key to providing … Read more

Why does my cat try to scare me?

Why does my cat try to scare me

Introduction Have you ever had the unnerving experience of your cat suddenly leaping out and pouncing on you? One minute you’re walking down the hallway, and the next your furry friend has launched herself onto your ankles. While it can be startling, this type of behavior is quite common among cats. In this blog post, … Read more

Why is my cat army crawling?

Why is my cat army crawling

Cats are known for their mysterious and sometimes perplexing behavior. As pet owners, we often wonder why our furry friends do the things they do. One of the most peculiar cat behaviors that has long puzzled feline enthusiasts and experts alike is something called “army crawling.” So what exactly is army crawling, and why do … Read more