Cat scratching neck until it bleeds

Cat scratching neck until it bleeds

Cats scratching their necks until they bleed is a concerning issue for many pet owners. This excessive scratching behavior goes beyond normal grooming and can lead to wounds, infections, and great discomfort for cats. In this blog post, we will explore the reasons behind this harmful scratching behavior. Potential causes include parasites, allergies, stress, and … Read more

Cat vomiting at night only

Cat vomiting at night only

Nighttime cat vomiting is a common yet troubling issue for many cat owners. It can disrupt sleep, create messes, and most importantly, is often a sign that something is wrong with your cat’s health. While an occasional episode of vomiting may not be cause for alarm, recurrent vomiting at night warrants attention. Understanding the causes, … Read more

How much to pay friend for cat sitting?

How much to pay friend for cat sitting

When it comes to caring for our furry friends, we often turn to friends and family for help when we’re away. Asking a friend to watch your cat can save money compared to hiring a professional pet sitter. However, it’s important not to take advantage of your friends’ generosity. Properly compensating them for their time … Read more

New cat hasn’t used litter box yet

New cat hasn't used litter box yet

Introduction Litter box avoidance is a common yet frustrating issue that many cat owners face. When a cat stops using their litter box, it’s usually a sign that something is wrong and the cat is trying to communicate their distress. Understanding the potential reasons behind this behavior is the first step to resolving it. In … Read more

Black cat with white undercoat

Black cat with white undercoat

Introduction Smoke black cats, also known as black-shaded cats, are a rare and mysterious breed of feline. They have a distinctive coat color pattern consisting of black fur with white roots, giving them a smoky, silvery appearance. Despite their name, smoke black cats are not actually black but are genetically silver tabby cats. The silver … Read more

My cat won’t eat kidney diet food

My cat won't eat kidney diet food

Kidney disease is unfortunately very common in cats, especially as they age. Over time, toxins can build up in a cat’s bloodstream if their kidneys are not functioning properly. This buildup of toxins can make cats feel unwell and lead to further kidney damage if left untreated. One of the main treatments for cats with … Read more

Cat catheter removed recovery questions

Cat catheter removed recovery questions

Introduction to Cat Catheter Removal Cats may require urinary catheter placement for a variety of reasons, including urinary tract infections, bladder stones, or obstructions that prevent normal urination. While catheters provide temporary relief, they must be removed once the underlying condition has been addressed to avoid complications. After a urinary catheter is inserted, whether for … Read more

Cat not eating after enema

Cat not eating after enema

An enema can be an effective treatment for certain feline health conditions, but the procedure can sometimes lead to a temporary loss of appetite afterwards. In this post, we’ll provide an overview of enemas, explain why they may cause appetite issues, and offer solutions to help get your cat eating again. By the end, you’ll … Read more

Do cats die instantly when hit by a car?

Do cats die instantly when hit by a car

It’s a common belief that cats hit by cars will die instantly. As soon as they make impact with a moving vehicle, it’s assumed their small bodies cannot withstand the force and they perish immediately. This perception is so prevalent that people may not even attempt to check on a cat after witnessing them being … Read more