Why does my cat lick my blanket and purr?

Why does my cat lick my blanket and purr

Welcome to the fascinating world of cat behavior! In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the most curious feline mannerisms, like blanket licking and purring. Understanding why cats exhibit certain behaviors can strengthen the bond between pet parents and their furry companions. We’ll begin by unraveling the mystery behind why cats lick blankets. This … Read more

Why is my cat kneading me all of a sudden?

Why is my cat kneading me all of a sudden

Kneading is an instinctive behavior that is common in cats. It involves a cat rhythmically pressing its paws against a soft surface or object, alternating between their left and right paws. When kittens are born, they knead their mother’s belly to stimulate milk production while nursing. This kneading motion seems to be soothing and comforting … Read more

Why is my cat leaving poop nuggets?

Why is my cat leaving poop nuggets

Introduction Finding little poop nuggets around the house can be a frustrating and concerning issue for cat owners. These dry, pellet-like droppings are not normal for cats and often indicate an underlying health or behavioral problem. In this introductory section, we’ll briefly explain what cat poop nuggets are and why it’s important to understand the … Read more

How much to pay friend for cat sitting?

How much to pay friend for cat sitting

When it comes to caring for our furry friends, we often turn to friends and family for help when we’re away. Asking a friend to watch your cat can save money compared to hiring a professional pet sitter. However, it’s important not to take advantage of your friends’ generosity. Properly compensating them for their time … Read more

Cat catheter removed recovery questions

Cat catheter removed recovery questions

Introduction to Cat Catheter Removal Cats may require urinary catheter placement for a variety of reasons, including urinary tract infections, bladder stones, or obstructions that prevent normal urination. While catheters provide temporary relief, they must be removed once the underlying condition has been addressed to avoid complications. After a urinary catheter is inserted, whether for … Read more

Do cats die instantly when hit by a car?

Do cats die instantly when hit by a car

It’s a common belief that cats hit by cars will die instantly. As soon as they make impact with a moving vehicle, it’s assumed their small bodies cannot withstand the force and they perish immediately. This perception is so prevalent that people may not even attempt to check on a cat after witnessing them being … Read more

How long should I quarantine my cat with fleas?

How long should I quarantine my cat with fleas

Introduction to Quarantining a Cat with Fleas When a cat becomes infested with fleas, quarantining them is crucial for getting the infestation under control. Fleas can rapidly multiply and spread to other pets and areas of the home if left unchecked. Quarantine provides a contained environment to treat the fleas and prevent their spread. Understanding … Read more

Is the furminator bad for cats?

Is the furminator bad for cats

Introduction to the Furminator The Furminator is a popular grooming tool designed specifically for deshedding dogs and cats. It features a stainless steel edge with fur-grabbing teeth that work to remove loose undercoat and reduce shedding. Since being introduced in the early 2000s, the Furminator has become a staple grooming tool for many pet owners … Read more