Why does my cat lick my blanket and purr?

Why does my cat lick my blanket and purr

Welcome to the fascinating world of cat behavior! In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the most curious feline mannerisms, like blanket licking and purring. Understanding why cats exhibit certain behaviors can strengthen the bond between pet parents and their furry companions. We’ll begin by unraveling the mystery behind why cats lick blankets. This … Read more

Why is my cat kneading me all of a sudden?

Why is my cat kneading me all of a sudden

Kneading is an instinctive behavior that is common in cats. It involves a cat rhythmically pressing its paws against a soft surface or object, alternating between their left and right paws. When kittens are born, they knead their mother’s belly to stimulate milk production while nursing. This kneading motion seems to be soothing and comforting … Read more

Why is my cat leaving poop nuggets?

Why is my cat leaving poop nuggets

Introduction Finding little poop nuggets around the house can be a frustrating and concerning issue for cat owners. These dry, pellet-like droppings are not normal for cats and often indicate an underlying health or behavioral problem. In this introductory section, we’ll briefly explain what cat poop nuggets are and why it’s important to understand the … Read more

Why won’t my cat let me hold her

why won't my cat let me hold her

Understanding cat behavior can be challenging for many pet owners. Cats are complex creatures with instincts and needs that don’t always align with human expectations. One common issue that perplexes cat owners is when female cats refuse to be held or picked up. It’s not uncommon for cats, especially females, to become distressed or agitated … Read more

1 year old cat still nursing

1 year old cat still nursing

It’s not uncommon for cat owners to observe their one-year-old cats continuing to exhibit nursing behaviors like suckling on blankets or kneading. Many are surprised that this kitten-like habit persists into adulthood. However, there are some valid reasons behind this phenomenon that cat parents should understand. While kittens naturally nurse from their mothers until weaned … Read more

Cat has two nails on one toe

Cat has two nails on one toe

Many cat owners have likely noticed that their feline companions have sharp, curved claws on each toe that they use for hunting, climbing, and self-defense. However, some attentive cat parents may have spotted an unusual occurrence – two claws emerging from the same toe! This strange phenomenon is often a source of curiosity and concern … Read more

Cat jumped out of window

Cat jumped out of window

Cats jumping out of windows can be a scary and dangerous situation for pet owners. This blog post will explore the reasons why cats jump as well as tips to prevent it from happening. Jumping from high windows can lead to severe injuries and even death, so it’s important for owners to understand proper precautions. … Read more

Cat fur not growing back after surgery

Cat fur not growing back after surgery

Introduction Many cat owners are distressed when their feline companion’s fur fails to grow back properly after surgery. This absence of normal regrowth can leave the cat with a bald patch or thinning coat around the surgery site for months or even years after the procedure. There are a few potential reasons why a cat’s … Read more

Cat scratching head until bleeds

Cat scratching head until bleeds

Head scratching is a common behavior in cats that can quickly become excessive and lead to wounds. When cats start scratching their heads to the point of bleeding, it’s a sign that something is wrong and needs to be addressed. There are several potential causes for head scratching and resulting wounds in cats. Allergies, fleas, … Read more